Meet the esteemed leaders of Toras Simcha. Each member of our hanhalah brings a unique blend of experience, passion, and dedication to their role.

HaRav HaGaon Zisha Solomon
Rosh Yeshiva
A talmid of R’ Yosef Tzienvert, HaRav Solomon spent 12 years learning in Kollel Halacha L’Moshe. With over 33 years of experience in chinuch, he is a highly respected leader in Torah education, inspiring countless talmidim with his wisdom and dedication.

HaRav Hagaon Shmaryohu Meltzer
Ram shiur klali
He was a talmid of HaRav Mendle Kaplan and HaRav Chaim Zimmerman. He was in Ponovitz when the Ponovitzer Rav & HaRav Chaztkel Levenshtein were there. HaRav Meltzer brings 60 years of chinuch experience while giving the Shiur Klali to the Talmidim.

HaRav Yisroel Katz
second year Magid Shiur
HaRav Katz, a talmid of HaRav Michil Zilber, learned for 12 years in Kollel Itri Yerushalayim. With 35 years of chinuch experience, he is a guiding light for his students, imparting a love for learning and dedication to Torah values.

HaRav Yonason Friedlander
third year Magid Shiur
A talmid of HaRav Yehoshua Eichenstein, HaRav Friedlander learned in Kollel Yeshivas Yad Aharon for 18 years. With 25 years of chinuch experience, he shares his vast Torah knowledge and depth of understanding with his talmidim.

HaRav Yerachmiel Ukelson
second year Magid Shiur
A talmid of HaRav Shmaryahu Meltzer, HaRav Ukelson spent 10 years in Kollel Beis Moshe. With 30 years of dedication to chinuch, he is known for his ability to inspire talmidim with his clarity and passion for Torah.

HaRav Shlomo Bodenheimer
third year Magid Shiur
A talmid of HaRav Gershon Edelstein, HaRav Bodenheimer learned for 20 years in Kollel Ponovezh. With 10 years of chinuch experience, he brings a unique energy and expertise to his role, guiding talmidim with dedication and warmth.

HaRav Shraga Schechter
third year Magid Shiur
A talmid of HaRav Meir Soloveichik, HaRav Schechter spent 9 years in Kollel Brisk. With 23 years of chinuch experience, he is renowned for his clarity in teaching and his ability to connect deeply with his talmidim.

HaRav Yaakov Pinchus Wolfish
first year Magid Shiur
HaRav Walfish learned for 15 years in the kollel of HaRav Ahron Sklar and is a talmid of both HaRav Ahron Sklar and HaRav Asher Zelig Rubenstein. His devotion to his talmidim and commitment to harbotzas Torah are the hallmarks of his teaching.

HaRav Shlomo Borenstein
Shaul Umeishiv
A talmid of HaRav Moshe Shapiro, HaRav
Borenstein spent 20 years in Kollel Torah Ore.
With 20 years of chinuch experience, he is deeply
committed to fostering Torah values and guiding
talmidim on their path of spiritual growth.

HaRav Eliyahu Wayntraub
first Year - second Seder Magid Shiur/Shaul Umeishiv
HaRav Wayntraub, a talmid of HaRav Zisha Solomon, spent 16 years in Kollel Mir. With 9 years of chinuch experience, he is devoted to nurturing the growth of his talmidim in Torah and middos.

HaRav Chaim Ehrenreich
HaRav Ehrenreich, a talmid of HaRav Asher Zelig Rubenstein, learned for 10 years in the kollel of HaRav Rafael Meikof. With 12 years of chinuch experience, he is dedicated to instilling a passion for Torah and yiras Shamayim in his talmidim.

HaRav Doniel Bain
Shaul Umeishiv
A talmid of HaRav Meir Soloveitzik zt”l who he learned by for five years. With 9 years of experience in chinuch he is devoted to the needs of every bachur and strives to be a daily source of warmth and geshmak.

HaRav Moshe Shidlovski
Shaul Umeishiv
A distinguished talmid of HaRav Asher Arieli, HaRav Shidlovski spent 20 years learning in Kollel Mir. With 25 years of experience in chinuch, he is devoted to fostering the growth of his talmidim in Torah and middos tovos.