Nestled in a serene and picturesque setting, our campus enhances the learning environment with its peaceful surroundings and inspiring atmosphere.
A structured yet flexible schedule combines rigorous Torah learning with time for personal growth and recreational activities.
7:30 AM שחרית
8:30 AM Breakfast
9:15 AMסדר א
12:00 PMשיעורים
1:00 PM Lunch
3:15 PM מנחה
3:40 PM סדר ב
6:00 PM *הלכה
7:00 PM מוסר
7:30 PM מעריב
7:45 PM Supper
8:40 PM סדר ג
*Sundays only (with Rabbi Katz)
Wednesday NightPost 2nd seder Shmooz with the Rosh Yeshiva, HaRav Zisha Solomon
Thursday Night11:00 PM – פרשת השבוע and cholent with Rabbi Yehuda Levy
Friday Morning השקפה and the פרשה with Rabbi Chaim Ehrenreich, followed by סדר and שיעורים
These activites compliment the Torah-centered focus of out yeshiva, fostering well-rounded growth.